Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sunday @ 11:38 AM

Last night i went to a tri-stake dance. It was so much fun. Much more fun than last times where we just sat there, and the dancing didn't even begin until 10:00. But this time, it was really fun. The dancing began at around 9:00. I even tried to go outside my comfort zone and dance like i meant it. It was hard, but it worked out.

The only thing i can complain about dances is when the music slows and you have to go ask someone to dance. It's torturous~!! I have a lot of trouble going up to someone and asking "will you dance with me?" it's really hard for someone as shy and worrisome as I. Instead, i walked around and waited until someone were to ask me. Though no one did. I swear someone almost did though. Oh~! I need to tell you the most scary thing that happened. So my friend, Natalie, told me that the best way to get asked is to make eye contact. It makes sense, so i tried it. Every time i would look at someone, but they wouldn't look back. Eventually, i decided to go and stand with my other friends that are too afraid to go get asked. On they way i continued to make eye contact, and just when i was a few feet away from my friends a guy looked up and made eye contact with me. The only problem was that i started to freak out. He even looked like he was going to ask me, but i chickened out and ran away. I'm such a horrible person~! If only I'd waited for a few more seconds. Ugh~! But it's over now, can't go back. I'll just have to wait for the next dance. Then I'll try really hard to get asked, or even ask someone.

I did dance with one person though. His name is Josh, and he sits next to me in Geometry, so at least i knew him. It wasn't that bad dancing with him because he is a conversation starter, unlike me, so it went well. And he was the only person i danced with, only because i didn't have the guts to ask anyone and nobody asked me because i wouldn't make eye contact.

Anyway, thanks for reading~!!

pictures are from DA, and are the property of those that put them on there. I do not own them in any way.

End @ 11:44 AM


Cami said...

i here what you're talking about. :P you and I have the same personality types.

ps, this is katie.

Danielle said...

i think these stories are MUCH more interesting than my everyday ones :P nice job! :D